The publishing process can seem mysterious, opaque, and intimidating to fledgling authors, and while there are countless online videos, articles, and tutorials that aim to help guide authors through the complexities and nuances of finding an agent and a publisher, it can be extraordinarily difficult for an author to find an agent willing to talk directly with them unless they are already interested in representing their work. And while there are many very capable and accomplished publishing consultants working today, as a rule they tend to be quite expensive and require a hefty commitment from an author if they want the benefit of their expertise. President of Vertical Ink Agency, Nick Mullendore, wants to help de-mystify the publishing process for new authors, and now offers Zoom or telephone consulting sessions for anyone looking to ask questions about the publishing industry and how it all works. Email Nick at Vertical [dot] Ink [dot] Agency [at] Gmail [dot] com to inquire about an affordable, hour-long consulting session where you’ll be able to ask just about any question you’d like about the publishing process and industry as a whole, and Nick will draw on his 25+ years of experience in the industry to answer it as honestly and thoroughly as he possibly can. We feel that a little conversation can go a long way toward helping to set an author on their path toward a published book, and it’s our hope that we may be able to play a beneficial role in your publishing journey, wherever it may lead.